After His ministry on Earth, our Lord Jesus Christ left the Great Commission for His disciples and to us, and that commission is to share about the goodness of our Lord to all the peoples.
This the easiest time to accomplish this mission is at Christmas time. There is no other season that is better for preaching the Gospel. It is in this period that everyone is more relaxed having gotten days off at work, they spend time with families, and we as Christians can invite these people to church and naturally preach Christ to people.
That is why on December 8-9, Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento organized a two-day event for both children and adults in order to preach the Gospel to the neighbors. The youth spent a lot of time and energy in preparing this event long before the actual day. However, there were others from the older generation who also helped in making this event a reality. As a result, the guests were able to enjoy Christmas themed decorations and lights, to hear the preaching of the Gospel through a sermon, personal conversations, and through visual representation of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
In addition, for those who began to feel the coolness of the “Bethlehem” evening, there were plenty hot and delicious refreshments which was instrumental for further conversations. The church was able to serve the surrounding people, and get to know the people in the community who have never been to church.
Praise God for this time of evangelism, and for the church to come together as one and together with both the older and the younger generation were able to bring the light of the Gospel to the world, and be an encouragement to each other. May the Lord Jesus be glorified for His wonderful birth in order to die for our sins, “so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”.
Andrey Zabolotnyy