Happy Thanksgiving!
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- Hits: 1484
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Happy Thanksgiving!
The 84th Convention Has Concluded
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- Hits: 2805
One more historical event in the life of the PCSBA took place! And that is the 84th spiritually edifying convention of churches which took place on October 28-29 in Sacramento, CA.
PCSBA's October 2022 Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1191
PCSBA's October 2022 Newsletter is available here: - in English | in Russian.
Ordination at the Forward Church
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1723
Forward Church in Irvine California, where Bogdan Kipko is the Senior and Founding Pastor, held their first ever Ordination Service where two men were ordained for official gospel ministry. The church now has an additional ordained pastor/elder and an ordained deacon. Both of the newly ordained men and their spouses declared vows of commitment to the church and to God, confirming their divine calling and their desire to serve the local church.
Old Instruments Sound as New
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1478
The Sunday School Ministries held a conference titled "Old Instruments Sound as New." The event was hosted by the Second Slavic Baptist Church on September 24, 2022.
The Daughter of the King - me or her?
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1860
“Daughter of the King – me or her?” - the theme of the Women's Prayer Breakfast, which took place on October 1 at Grace Church Avenue Bible Church. About 50 women and girls had the opportunity to reflect on how important proper self-esteem is for Christians, and how it affects relationships with God and others.
New Enrollment to the Counseling Institute
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1712
The Blagovest Institute entered into a partnership with the International Counseling Institute "Coram Deo" and will be helping in organizing and providing training for those who wish to do Biblical counseling. The new group of students began their first session on October 4 at the Bryte Church.
Trip to Carolina
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- Hits: 1370
On September 28 to October 4, I traveled to South and North Carolina to get to know new communities and churches that are being opened up by migrants who have moved to these places from the western states. These are mostly young families with children who saw better financial opportunities for their families, as well as the “voluntary” options for vaccinations for their children in public schools.
Camp at the Cornerstone Church
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- Hits: 1809
This year, the Lord gave us an opportunity to invite over 100 new friends, who are the refugee immigrants, to welcome them at the church camp, and spend an unforgettable time together!
PCSBA's September Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2249
PCSBA's September newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Learn to Preach Gospel through Fitness
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- Hits: 1117
Did you know that God is using sports and fitness to start thousands of groups and churches all over the world by helping friends and family grow in healthy life habits. Do you have people in your church who are BIG into fitness? Want to learn how?
The Lord is our light
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1897
A prayer evening for the women, organized by the Moms in Prayer ministry department, was held on September 10 at the Bryte Church. About fifty women gathered to glorify the Lord and pray for their children and grandchildren.
Evangelism in the Heart of the Silicon Valley
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- Hits: 1430
About sixty people heard the Good News during an outreach in Mountain View, which took place on September 11 and was timed to coincide with the Feast of the Harvest.
Investing in the future
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- Hits: 1334
Continuing the summer camp season, Good News Church, Tacoma, held youth and children's camps. The rising generation is the future of the church, so leaders pay special attention to their education.
Our Purpose in God
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- Hits: 1332
The annual "United " youth camp took place from September 2nd to 5th at the Tannery Gulch Campground which brought together the youth from different churches. The main speaker was Tony Arnds, pastor and professor of Expository Preaching at the Cornerstone Seminary. There were about 420 people who came to the camp. They had a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and be fellowship with the Lord and with each other.
PCSBA's August Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1164
PCSBA's August Newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Back to School Moms in Prayer Night
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- Hits: 1358
Women of all churches are invited for the prayer meeting that will take place at Bryte Church on Saturday, September 10. The meeting will start at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting – to pray for students, teachers, and schools around our state. The church’s address is: 1000 Sacramento Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95605.
We Need Each Other
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- Hits: 1536
For The Cornerstone Slavic Baptist Church, the church picnic organized on the last Sunday of July was a wonderful celebration and worship of God with a group of new immigrant friends. More than 200 guests joined the church fellowship and shared the blessings that we receive from God and each other.
Summer Camps Season - A Time of Special Blessings
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- Hits: 1379
The Revival Church in Vancouver, WA completed another season of summer camps. First the children’s, then the youth, and finally—the family camp. After that there was a baptism of twenty-five young men and women that marked the end of the season of reaping the fruit of the youth ministry.
PCSBA's July Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1286
PCSBA's July Newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Blessing for Children and Parents
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1633
It was a great blessing for The Slavic Evangelical Baptist Church of San Diego to have children’s camp which took place on June 24-25 in one of the city’s parks. Pastor Yuriy Korniyenko said that he is very pleased to bring the truth of the Gospel to the children: “We have been organizing camps for the past fourteen years, and every year it brings great joy and blessing for both children and parents. This year we had about 65 children, 30 of which are from outside the church. I am grateful to the leaders and helpers. We have a great team”.
God's Blessing
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1385
The Easter service at The RockLand Baptist Church was filled with special joy on June 16, 2022. First, because the church celebrated Father's Day and lifted up the men of the congregation. And second, because during this service, three men were ordained as deacons.
Proclaiming Christ
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- Hits: 1581
People from the whole neighborhood were invited to the "Block Party", a public event that took place on Saturday, July 2 at the New Hope church in Rancho Cordova. At this celebration, the guests were able to listen to Christian music, eat delicious food, participate in competitions and, most importantly, hear the Word of God. It was fun and entertaining.
Choose Life
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- Hits: 1351
Every day we make dozens of decisions. Every day we choose how to act, but there is a choice on which our eternity depends. Members of the Slavic Church Chose Life, Oceanside regularly remind the residents of California about the importance of choosing eternal life.
Semiannual Ministers Meeting
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- Hits: 1549
The next meeting of the PCSBA’s ministers will be held on August 20 at Grace Avenue Bible Church. Dr. Jake Roudkovski, Professor of Evangelism and Pastoral Ministry at New Orleans Theological Seminary, has been invited as a special speaker for this meeting. Dr. Roudkovski will focus on the topic of Total Wellness encouraging participants to achieve a healthy balance in spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, relational, and vocational aspects of life and ministry.
Filling the Hearts with Hope
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- Hits: 1812
"Our church is one of the first Slavic churches in the USA. It was founded in 1910, and in the fall we will celebrate its 112th anniversary," says Vasiliy Rogozyan, pastor of the Bethany Baptist Church in Los Angeles.
PCSBA's June Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1203
PCSBA's June Newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Registration for the Coram Deo Project is Resumed
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1544
The registration of students for training in counseling under the program of the International Counseling Institute "Coram Deo" is being resumed. Classes start on October 4 at 6:30 pm. Classes will be held throughout the week in the evenings and two full days on Saturday and Sunday. The training is paid.
Women's camp "Salon of Imperishable Beauty"
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- Hits: 1251
This year, the Salon of Imperishable Beauty camp will be held in September at the Zephyr Point Conference Center.
Seminar in Seattle
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- Hits: 1172
It was the first Slavic Baptist Church in Seattle, was established right after the war, and became the home church for many churches of the city. This small church doesn’t have their own building and is renting out a building for the congregation of 60 people.
Apologetics with Carl Kerby
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1475
Human evolution - myth or scientific fact? was the question the youth of six different churches in Washington State were looking for an answer to as they gathered at Good News Church, Tacoma on May 21 for an apologetics evening with Carl Kirby (Reasons for Hope).
Living Stones and Grace Avenue Bible Church Youth Camp
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1714
For the fourth time in a row, the Living Stones and Grace Avenue Bible Churches had a joint youth camp. This year, the event took place on May 27th through the 30th at the beautiful camp at Mt. Hope in Forbestown, CA. Seventy young men and women ages thirteen years and over were able to attend this Christian camp.
Blessing for the Local Church
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- Hits: 1260
Throughout history, The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ was established by the Holy Spirit through special ministers who “served the tables”.
Gala Dinner for Women
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1462
PCSBA's Women ministry is going to hold Gala Dinner on July 23. This event is designed for women of all ages, both involved in various church ministries, and for those who would like to join some kind of ministry.
PCSBA's May Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1023
PCSBA's May newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Interview with Aleksandr Savchenko
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1597
Doctor, poet, theologian, author, and pastor – that is how people know Aleksandr Petrovich Savchennko who recently came to the U.S. from the war zone in Ukraine, Mariupol. Watch his interview on the Association’s YouTube channel.
Sad News
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- Hits: 1373
In last month’s newsletter we talked about the plans of the Rockland, and Bryte churches to host a Christian conference for pastors of the Muslim countries in the Middle East. The conference was anticipated to happen at the Tyre Church led by the Pastor Muhammed who is well-known to a few of our churches. It was anticipated that Pastor Muhammed will soon come to Sacramento, and then the final decision will be made about the conference.
Special Issue of God’s Vineyard Magazine
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1089
This special issue of the magazine is dedicated to the events in Ukraine. It is sad to observe what is happening there, but faith in the Lord gives us the ability to look to the future with hope. You can read the magazine here, at this link (it’s in Russian only.)
Ordination at The Word of Life Church
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1543
On May 15, The Word of Life Slavic Baptist Church had an ordination service during which Sergey Padurary was ordained as a pastor.
Family – Circle of Power
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1663
This was the motto of the Family Day at the Slavic Church of Honolulu on May 15. The event took place outside in a regional park of Kapiʻolani. For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, the church was able to have such a massive event which emphasized the importance of the family as the union of one man and one woman created by God in His likeness and image and for His purpose. About 140 people joined this joyful celebration including families of guests from Ukraine, Belarus, as well as attendees from Washington, California, and New Jersey.
Pray About the Re-Opening of the Sierra Pines Campground!
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1411
Our campground, Sierra Pines, will be shut down for the entire summer season of this year. It is located on the land belonging to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and is obligated to follow the rules established by the jurisdictions of the El Dorado County, U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. At the moment, these agencies are still assessing the damage and remedial measures from last year's fire, which engulfed a huge area of almost 90,000 hectares and passed through the camp.
PCSBA's April Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1339
PCSBA's April newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
New Relief Program for Immigrants
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1483
Coupons for clothing at the thrift store is a new relief program for immigrants in Sacramento. It is well-known that the Americans renew their wardrobes often, and sometimes completely throw all of the unneeded clothes. People take out new shoes, clothes, furniture, and technology “on the curb” or give it to the thrift stores. Why don’t they donate these things to the Pacific Thrift Store, or “the Christian thrift store”? The churches that do not have the opportunity to give things away at their churches can now get the coupons (at discounted rates) and give them out to new immigrants.
Bryte Church Has a New Pastor
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2120
We congratulate Igor Dronov in his appointment to serve as the head pastor of Bryte Church. We wish him wisdom and abundance of God’s blessings in leading such a numerous, and active church which has a 94-year ministry experience, and established over forty ministries in their service to almost two thousand members.
Aid for Ukraine
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1491
With the support of the Pacific Coast Association and under the leadership of Peter Babich, a few of the brothers visited Europe to be missionaries and provide humanitarian aid in Ukraine. The trip took place on March 23 – April 16 and was a wonderful blessing not only for the Ukrainian people, but also for everyone who helped to finance and pray for this ministry.
Online Missionary Forum's Schedule
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1594
Date: May 21, 2022
Time: -
West Cost: 1st session: 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.; 2nd session: 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (PDT)
East Coast: 1st session: 1.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.; 2-nd session: 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (EST)
Format: ONLINE
Broadcast address: YouTube channel of the Pacific Association of ECB Churches (https://www.youtube.com/c/PacificCoastSlavicBaptistAssociation/videos )
Changes related to the Missionary Forum – 2022
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1356
On April 5, a meeting of the chairmen of the US Baptist Associations took place, at which the issue of holding an International Missionary Forum was considered in the light of recent events. It was decided to hold the Forum online. It will take place on May 21 from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. during two sessions via ZOOM with simultaneous broadcasting to everyone on the YouTube channel of the Pacific Association.
PCSBA's March Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1443
PCSBA's March Newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Women Prayer Breakfast
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1442
Mom's in Prayer ministry is planning to hold a prayer breakfast for the sisters on March 26 at the Russian Baptist Church. Details - see the flyer.
Open Appeal of Baptist Associations and Unions in the USA
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1596
Peace be to you! With these words we greet all the churches of Christ.
The events of the last week on the territory of Ukraine are an indication of the imminent coming of Jesus Christ, confirming the words of the Holy Bible: "And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end." (Matthew 24:6.)
Semi-Annual Pastors’ Meeting
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2107
The first annual pastors’ meeting which took place on February 26 at the Living Stones church had a lot of interesting seminars. Close to forty pastors from different churches were greatly edified by guest speakers.
Under the Dome of Love
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1604
On Saturday, February 26, The Cornerstone Church and Grace Avenue Bible Church hosted a special evening in Sacramento for immigrants and families with a very romantic theme: “Under the Dome of Love”.
Appeal in Light of the War in Ukraine
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1546
A few days ago, the events in Ukraine have shaken the entire civilized world by their atrocities. Russia treacherously attacked its neighboring country of Ukraine. As Christians, we must express our disdain towards the situation and must say things as they are. This aggression is unjustifiable. The citizens of Ukrainian cities were attacked by the hail of bombs. The blood is spilled, the infrastructure is destroyed, and many people are losing their lives. War is a great evil which is of the devil who came as a thief in order “to steal, to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10), and we as Christians must call this evil.
- Day of Special Attention and Visitation of Widows, Orphans and Singles
- Conference for Sunday School Teachers
- PCSBA's February Newsletter
- Another Meeting of the Leaders of the Association’s Departments
- Worship Leader Wanted
- New Enrollment for the Counselling Training
- PCSBA's January Newsletter
- New Pastors at Churches
- Ministry to Orphans and Widows
- Many are sick and a lot are dying
- Ordination at The House of Prayer Church
- PCSBA's December Newsletter
- 10-Year Anniversary of Pacific Thrift Store
- Christmas Celebration
- New Resources for Helping Churches and Ministries
- Ordination at the Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento
- Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- Registration for the International Missionary Forum - 2022 is open
- 83rd Convention of the Pacific Coast Association’s Churches of ECB
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