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Nikolay Vodnevsky

Николай Водневский

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Vodnevsky was born in Russia, Bryansk County, on February 15, 1922, in a little village of Borovka comprised of 23 houses.

Nicolay lost both his mother and father in early childhood. His father worked as a forest guard and his mother was a housewife. She died from exhaustion. His parents were god-fearing orthodox Christians. They had one more son and a daughter besides Nicolay.

Thanks to his older brother, at the age of five Nicolai learned to read well and was admitted to the school in the 2nd grade. After school, he joined the workers’ faculty and later went to the Pedagogical University. He knew very little about God and was a typical Soviet child. Sometimes a thought would cross his mind: where did all the beauty and diversity of the natural environment come from? There was no answer.

While taking classes in the university, he rented a room from a sincere orthodox believer woman who sowed the first seeds of faith in the living God in his heart.

He began to write poems while still studying in the workers’ faculty. His poems were published in the wall newspaper multiple times.

The war did not let him finish the institute. Shortly after the war outbreak, he was sent to military school and upon graduation promoted to lieutenant. In March 1942, he was dispatched to the frontline, and on August 19th of the same year he was captured.
While in Germany, Nicolai married Anne Kubrakova. A son Alexander was born to them there.

At the end of the war, like many other soviet prisoners of war, being aware of what might await him upon return, he refused to go back to his homeland.
Not being able to find the purpose and meaning of life he grieved in his soul. While in Munich, he began attending the Orthodox Church but still could not find peace. One day a young man knocked at  his door and offered him to read a few small Christian leaflets authored by V.Martsinkovskiy, D.L.Mudi and others. After reading a booklet, Nicolai realized that he was not even close to be a Christian. A few days later same young man came back and invited him to visit the Church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists. Approaching the church, Nicholai heard singing: "I hear your voice inviting me to come to you, to be washed by the blood shed on the cross." He realized it was an appeal to him personally. That day his heart, tormented by the quest for truth, found peace and rest, accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior. He remembered the date of August 14, 1948 for the rest of his long life.

November 28th, 1948, N.A.Vodnevsky was baptized by faith by Lord’s faithful minister John Mark Galystiyan.

Before long, at the end of 1950, getting an invitation, Nikolay Aleksandrovich and his family emigrated to the United States, California, the city of Alameda, near San Francisco. Six months later, in March of 1951, he moved to the town of Bryte, and there he became a member of the Russian Baptist Church. He served well in this church till the end of his life. His sermons were full of life and sincere faith in God, encouraging others to do the same. He never wasted time. He was a man of prayer and service to the Lord.

Three children were born to him in America: daughters Ksenia and Natalya, and son Nikolay.

Nikolay Aleksandrovish was an active aid in the ministry of brother P.I.Rogozin, he assisted him in «The Christian» magazine publication.
"I came to know God reading Christian literature" - recalled Nikolay Aleksandrovich, and he counted it a calling from the Lord to serve Russian-speaking immigrants using the same gift. He began writing Christian articles and publishing them in the secular daily Russian newspaper "The New Dawn" published in San Francisco. Soon, he began to get letters from readers and was replying to them via the newspaper. He got fully carried away with this ministry. At the same time he began to publish his first small collection of poems, testimonies, questions and answers. Then he got an idea to start publishing Christian newspaper.

In 1966, in the month of May, the Committee of the Pacific Association of Evangelical Christian-Baptists has appointed N.A Vodnevsky to become the managing editor of the weekly newspaper "Our Days". The first newspaper issue was published on June 11, 1966.
His wife Anna became an active participant in the newspaper publication. She worked as a typesetter. Working with the linotype (lead based), she acquired professional disease leading to her death in 1978 from leukemia.

In 1974, due to health problems, Nikolay left his work in the newspaper, but 16 years later, once again he led the publication.

With all his heart Nikolay loved the Lord who gave him a new life in Christ and was eager to tell about the love of Christ to the Russian-speaking people in the homeland and those scattered around the world. His brainchild - the newspaper "Our Days" - is specifically dedicated to the proclamation of God’s love, His call to salvation and following Him.

In the fall of 1973, N.A. Vodnevsky was invited to Germany to attend a conference organized by “Light in The East” mission and became its associate. At the conference, he proposed to publish daily reading calendar “The Rays of Light”, and to record Christian radio programs; both projects soon came to life.
In 1974 he founded Christian magazine «The Faith and Life» and until 1987 served as its editor; he became the editor in chief later. The magazine remains in publication until present.

In 1979, N.A.Vodnevsky married Lucy Barchuk, who remained his faithful assistant to the end of his life, both in the spiritual work and as caring wife and mistress, setting up the family life.

In January 22 of 1992, his first-born son Alexander died of an incurable disease.

In 1989, Nikolay Aleksandrovich, after almost half century of absence, visited for the first time his homeland: Novozybkov city, Bryansk, as well as his home village Borovka.

The newspaper publisher of "Our Days", the mission "Light in the East" and other publications in Argentina, Russia and Ukraine have repeatedly published N.A Vodnevsky’s books: "I Want to Know", "Heavenly Ladder", "Golden Ears", "Blue Expanse", "Glory to God", "Face the Light", "Yesterday and Today", "Life as We Know It," "Road to Light "etc., as well as many brochures.

He also worked with “Word to Russia” mission, where he was recording his works on CDs and cassettes.

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Vodnevsky recorded more than two thousand radio programs aired by various radio stations to former Soviet Union. While in the ministry, he visited many cities in the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe.

In July of 2007, he wrote a letter to the Committee of the Pacific Association stating that due to his health problems he no longer could work as an editor in chief. Despite the dispiriting weakness, he still visited regularly the editorial office, assisting in all possible ways. His last visit was on August 6, of 2008.

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Vodnevsky is survived by his wife, three children, 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren, as well as his extensive creative literary heritage that for many years has served and will serve people to the glory of the name of Jesus Christ.


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