Peace to you dear brothers and sisters! By God’s grace on March 15th our Association had another meeting of the churches’ youth leaders. From the day that the youth committee was formed, this was our third meeting, and with every new meeting, we had more and more new leaders joining us.
Our first meeting was on November 23, 2019, and from that day as we saw the amount of work that had to be done, we decided to meet together once every two months. During this meeting we had an opportunity to get to know each other, as well as to pray and discuss the upcoming joint ministries for our youth. The United Worship Night was scheduled on May 9 at 6:30. There is also an upcoming youth leaders’ retreat which is planned for August 14-16 of this year to which all of the active youth members are invited to, as well as those who would like to start active ministry for the Lord. We also had an opportunity to discuss the upcoming Camp United which will take place on September 4 to 7 of this year.
During our meeting, we had a wonderful privilege to welcome Olga Vladimirovna Avetisova who has been serving in a very important information ministry for many years. Thanks to her ministry for the glory of God, we can all have the opportunity to read the news and updates of our Association through the internet resources. Olga Vladimirovna came to our meeting stating that this ministry needs new and fresh people who would be able to continue her ministry.
I am grateful to you for your time which you invested into reading this article. We would like to ask you to support our youth department as well as the youth ministry in your church through prayer. We also ask that you would pray for Olga Vladimirovna so that the Lord would take care of her request in the near future.
Be blessed, and as it is written in Luke 12:35, «Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps lit».
Petr Makletsov