On Saturday, May 9, there was an annual missionary training. The meeting was organized by the PCSBA’s Missionary Ministry “Power in Truth”. For the first time in history, the missionaries gathered in an online format through Zoom. The pandemic created a global crisis, but at the same time, it opened up many opportunities for effective evangelism. This time the participants were from Europe and the U.S. The goal of the meeting was equipping missionary teams with the knowledge, so that they will be successful and be the salt and light to this world. The mediator of the meeting and coordinator of short-term mission trips, Sergey Tkachev, introduced the participants and the program.
Aleksey Yanovskiy who is the leader of the mission ministry department prayed for the blessings upon the training. The main speaker was Joseph Sheremet. His presentation consisted of three parts: “How to live and desire the Gospel?”, “How to share the love for the Gospel with the others?”, and “What am I doing today for the sake of the Gospel?” He put an emphasis on the fact that the missionaries must themselves be clear on the heart of the gospel, to preach it to themselves daily, and take part in it, to be radical in the proclamation (rejecting self, leaving all, and crucify themselves for the sake of Christ).
For a short time, the Association’s President joined the training participants. He encouraged everyone with the words of blessings: “God has stopped us to do something greater, He has a purpose for us, and we must not be discouraged. We must be more effective in witnessing to others and to use modern technology. Let us pray that God would use all of these circumstances to give us a revival into our churches so that the missionary ministry would be a productive for all of us because we believe that the Pacific Coast Association exists first of all for the missionary ministry”.
Jim Overton who is a missionary taught a very good lesson on Missiology: “Develop three missionary habits during the quarantine” (Mobilizing of Churches for Missions, Ministering to Muslims, Sharing the Gospel Online).
There were also some short discussions that took place and covered the topics of the seminars (in groups of a few people).
The teams of missionaries shared their testimonies, practical ideas of improving the ministry in light of the quarantine, and prayers for the needs of missionaries, so that the Lord would show more methods of evangelism and continuing ministry of evangelism ministry, and so that the progress would be visible to all.
May the Lord be glorified in that His children, despite the circumstances, would bring Him much fruit in the future.
Irina Karkhut.
The missionary department's YouTube channel - click here.