Our Association has finally had the long-anticipated youth retreat for everyone who is engaged in any kind of youth ministry either at their local church or in other youth ministries. The retreat took place on November 13-15 at Sierra Pines Camp.
The speakers of the retreat were church pastors. Sergey Tarasenko focused the attention of the youth on the importance of our spiritual growth and developing in ministry to God. Vasiliy Stupin addressed the youth about Discipleship and Mentorship for the Youth. Maksim Zhur led a seminar on Focus on the Definition of Worship. Petr Kondrashov talked to the young brothers and sisters about Christian Communication. Alex Ivanov led the men’s seminar on Men in Ministry, and Emma Borushko and Martyn Kraynov taught a seminar for women, Women in Ministry.
The retreat participants came from 19 churches of the Pacific Coast Association and numbered 151 people.
In addition to benefitting from the main sessions and seminars, the youth had a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and directly address any of the speakers, to get to know the youth from other churches who is serving in the churches of our Association in the same capacity, and to share their experiences and concerns, which all of them are facing in ministry.
It was pleasant to witness the living power that was building up in the youth ministry, to see how excited they are to absorb the information that they were learning through seminars, as well as to see new relationships being formed, and all of that is thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank God for all of the mercies and grace that He pours upon us every day, for the young ministers who are not just the future, but the present of our churches.
In light of this, along with our Youth Committee I ask you once again to support our youth, to pray for every young person who is serving at the church, to support them in their ministry to you and for the Lord.
I am grateful to you for your time in reading this summary. Be blessed! Peter Makletsov, the Association’s Youth Ministry Leader
A short video clip about the retreat is available on YouTube channel.