Over the last few years, God allowed us to take a part in sharing the Gospel with many people who just recently arrived from the countries of the former Soviet Union. In the Fall of 2018, we had the opportunity to organize an event at the park for close to 500 people. With some of them, we were able to establish connections and long-lasting friendships. It is impressive to observe so many immigrants who are currently residing in Sacramento and who came from various regions of the former Soviet Union. The main difference that we noticed during conversations with people is that the previous immigrants arriving to the U.S. for the most part already had relatives with whom they were able to reunite. The present immigrants, however, come not as legal immigrants and do not have any relatives or friends. This is a very desperate step that they have to take in order to hope for a better future for themselves and their families.
After this event, our elders thought about how to help these immigrants in order to expand their circle of friends and to help them in any way that they need. As a result, they decided to host a Christmas celebration for immigrant families where families would receive presents, and take limousines to go Christmas light watching, which for many of their children would be impossible for at least the early years.
Then in February they organized a family evening called «Under Dome of Love» with singing, games, lottery, and reception. By doing this, we want to show that we are not indifferent to our countrymen in their needs, and are ready to be their friends. Our countrymen gladly accepted our invitations and were very eager for fellowship.
Our events with the immigrants were not limited just to the main holidays. Our brothers and sisters became good friends with many of them and began to invite them to their homes, celebrate birthdays together, go camping together, and do joint Baby Showers. On top of that, they constantly offered help in getting housing, transportation and early necessities, as well as translation, filling out of paperwork, and at the same time, testified to them about the love of Jesus for people.
By God's grace, this year we were able to have one more evening of the service of love just before the closure due to the pandemic. This evening made a lasting memory in the hearts of many immigrants, and for many months was remembered as a testimony of a warm fellowship.
Although the present circumstances did not allow us to gather now, as much as we were able, we continued to be in touch with our immigrant friends. We could not allow ourselves not to celebrate Christmas together. The church organized Christmas Fair and built an entire mini city of various attractions at their church location. There was a Nativity set, clown with balloons, animals, interesting games with prizes, petting zoo, as well as time with Santa Claus. The event was concluded by showing of the Christmas story and giving of presents, followed by hot and delicious warm treats, and it was all outside in the open. There were over 250 people with no end of joy for both the children and adults. However, the most important part of the evening was the fact that we were able to testify of the mercy and love of God to people during the time of celebrating of the coming of the Son of God to earth.
We are grateful to God that we had an opportunity to minister and share the Gospel with people right here where we live, and will be even more diligent in fulfilling the command of Jesus and to attract more and more people to Him.
Karina Kostyuk