After the winter season, the campground usually has a lot of work. The list of things to do includes fixing of porches of cabins and fences after the abundance of snows, general cleaning of camp, replacing of the once-frozen water and sewer pipes, and much more. On Saturday, May 22, the campground had a general camp cleanup. There were about 70 helpers from Sacramento: Bethany, Zion, and Second Slavic Church. There were also representatives from Bryte Church, and First Slavic Church.
It was good to see how diligently and sacrificially everyone served by their labor of love. We were told ahead of time about which specialists would come, and we were ready for their arrival and prepared the suitable scope of work. We covered the roof of a large tent meeting, installed the stage, and rearranged the chairs. In other places, volunteers changed the damaged water and sewer pipes. A lot of work was done in cleaning the camp territory by moving out the old cars and other useless junk.
However, it wasn't possible to have such an elaborate cleaning project for long; it was snowing the whole day, and the rubble was covered by white covering. Nevertheless, we are planning to have another cleanup day on June 5. This way, everyone who wanted to help the camp, would be welcomed and given something to do. For more about the cleanup, feel free to reach out at (916) 290-2897 or (916) 716-5071.
Pavel Tsvirinko,
Camp Director