The season of vacations, camps is gone, and the beautiful golden September month became a fruitful time for the Transfiguration Church in Minnesota. With the full support of the church, their youth along with a team of brothers and sisters from California were able to organize and host an evangelistic evening (BLOCK PARTY). Friends, acquaintances, and local neighbors were all invited. Everyone who came received a warm greeting, was offered a tasty dinner, and then heard about the gift that is offered to everyone by Jesus Christ, and that is eternal life with God.
Our youth was preparing for this evangelistic event for the whole summer. There were many planning sessions during which the details of this event were discussed. The Lord has given unity in the preparation, and His support for this evangelistic event.
A team of youth came from California, along with Peter Makletsov, and were able to help in distributing the invitations and welcome the guests. The youth also prepared different stations where the guests could engage in various activities, eat ice cream, and take memorable pictures with friends and families. All of these activities were full of friendly reception and a great relationship towards all the guest.
The church prepared a variety of tasty treats, and the guests were able to sit down at the benches to eat and fellowship. We tried to engage every guest and get to know them better. We also wanted to invite them to our church, fellowship, and Sunday School. During the evening we had company from the public officials. There was one fire truck and two police cars whom we invited beforehand. We think that this event was a good testimony to them about the ministry of the local church. There was a lot of excitement, especially from the children who were able to see real police officers and firefighters.
When the night came, we organized a bonfire and got comfortable to hear a message by Ruslan Moroz. He shared the Word with the guests about the greatest gift from God for humanity – eternal life. He talked about the importance of close and genuine relationship with God and Creator of the Universe. About 200 people were able to hear important message about their life: «Christ died for your sins, and you, my friend, can be saved for eternal life». People stood by the fire and were listening very attentively. No one was talking, and even the children were quiet for a while. This was nothing short of the hand of God covering that place with His grace and allowing the people to experience the joy of sharing the Gospel to people. Many of our brothers and sisters experienced once again what is truly a calling of the church of Christ, and that is sharing His Word and loving people.
We are grateful to God that through a small number of people He accomplishes great things and does miracles. This was a blessed time full of the presence and guidance of God.
We are grateful to our friends from California for the joint service in the Gospel work and sharing the message of His kingdom. May the Lord continue to inspire His children to persist in the Gospel ministry for His Great Glory.
Yelena Potapenko,
Transfiguration Church.