“I am very grateful to the brothers who at that time stood at the head of the Association and took the risk of opening such a store. This was a new project for the Slavic brotherhood, but very necessary,” said Vyacheslav Gladysh in his speech during the celebration of the anniversary. As a leader of the Missions Department, he came to the meeting of the Association’s Executive Committee on December 9, 2011, and suggested to open a thrift store with all the profits going to the needs and projects of mission ministry.
At that time, the Association’s Missions Department was growing, and there were multiple interesting projects. However, the department’s budget was very small compared to the actual need for funding. Under the leadership of Nicolay Alekseyevich Bugriyev, the decision was made to take a risk. After studying similar projects done by the Lutheran churches and other organizations, the first store was opened.
Establishing and developing this ministry was not easy. Everything was new; it was necessary to do a market analysis, find the right store location, develop relationship with the churches in order to collect the donations, do marketing, find dedicated employees and volunteers, as well as acquire licenses and file all the necessary government paperwork…It turned out that the building rental was very high, and before long, the Committee were faced with the decision of purchasing the store building.
Slowly but surely, everything was getting into place. God blessed the ministry of the store by the dedicated director Pavel Dmitrievich Tsvirinko, a minister of the Second Slavic Baptist Church, sent volunteers and permanent employees, and the people of many churches were encouraged to sacrificially supply the store with used clothes. A few years later, the store began to generate profit - funds for supporting missionaries in several countries.
“This ministry has enabled many people in our churches to participate in the mission. Just go through your wardrobe, clean the house, hand things to the store - and you become a participant in a big business, a missionary. Use this opportunity,” V. Gladysh finished his speech.
This is truly that simple. “We really need clothes and shoes, regardless of what condition they are in”, said the store manager, P. Tsvirinko. “If you would like to donate something to the store, bring it to us or give us a call. We will gladly come to your house and take whatever you don’t need, but what is so needed for others. Please help us in this ministry and become co-laborers in the work of missions.”
During the celebration meeting, the current president of the Association, I. Mileyev, the head of the Missions Department, V. Yurchak, the chairman of the store’s Board of Directors, V. Stupin, and others shared about what God has accomplished through this store. They were saying kind words and giving words of encouragement to the store staff and volunteers, and invited the guests to get involved in this project. In between the addresses, the Missionary Choir “Oasis” performed. The members of this choir know first-hand the importance of this store’s ministry.
We wish The Pacific Thrift Store and its staff further blessings. If anyone would like to support this project or get involved, please use this information to contact:
Store Address: 6101 Watt Ave, Highlands, CA. (Not far from Second Slavic Baptist Church)
Phone: (916) 514-0154
Store hours: 9am to 7pm.
Store website: http://pacificthriftstore.com.
Video clip about the store
О. Avetisova