Andrey Zabolotnyy and Vyacheslav Lobkov were ordained as pastors at the Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento.
Over the past three years, Vyacheslav Lobkov was leading a successful ministry to the teens. Along with other leaders, he also was in charge of summer camps. He and his wife Olga have four children. The ordination took place on September 26. The ordination service was led by Igor Antonovich Verstak, his assistant – Yuriy Fedorovich Lobkov who is Vyacheslav’s father, and Nikolay Alekseyevich Bugriyev – pastor of the Rockland Church.
Andrey Zabolotnyy finished four-year education at The Master’s Seminary. He and his wife Irina have three children. He is responsible for the English service, young family ministry, preparations for baptism, and participates in regular preaching. In addition to that, he is also a translator for the Pacific Coast Association. The ordination service on October 24 was led by Igor Antonovich Verstak, and the president of the Pacific Coast Association – Ivan Vladimirovich Mileyev. Video recording of the service can be viewed at the church’ YouTube channel.
By the words of the head pastor, I. Verstak, both of these new pastors are dedicated and promising ministers who surely will be very useful both to the local church, as well as to the Kingdom of God in our city. We wish them and their families blessings from the Lord!