With the support of the Pacific Coast Association and under the leadership of Peter Babich, a few of the brothers visited Europe to be missionaries and provide humanitarian aid in Ukraine. The trip took place on March 23 – April 16 and was a wonderful blessing not only for the Ukrainian people, but also for everyone who helped to finance and pray for this ministry.
After flying into France on March 23, the team was divided into different groups: Peter Babich and Vlad Gorbunov went to Ukraine, while Alexander Tophan remained in Paris to purchase a van and transport the relief cargo from Europe to Ukraine. With the Lord’s help, the goods were transported to Chernovtsy, and from there, a different volunteer transported the van full of humanitarian relief to the war zone – into Nikolayev through Odessa, while the others continued to serve in Chernovtsy.
After Peter and Vlad went to Chernovtsy on March 25, the first thing that they did was that they met with the pastors and the leaders of the association of ECB in Chernovtsy who were active in serving the needs of the refugees. In general, the finances are directed towards food and gasoline. Our missionaries interviewed various pastors in order to find out more about their ministry so that they could share about what is being done there. They also helped to transport supplies to those who are in greatest of need – orphan children, refugees from Mariupol, region of Kiev, Chernigov, and Kharkov.
There was also a lot of spiritual counselling work that was done among the refugees who came from the war zones and stay in Chernovtsy region, and partially to help the refugees whose eyes have been damaged, and who stay in the Ivano-Frankovsk region. While being in Chernovtsy, the team established a Christian ministry to receive and serve the refugees. Right now, there are about 150 people. This is both an amazing blessing, as well as a miracle of God!
Our brothers were also in the shelter for single mothers in Chernovtsy. There are very many young women who weren’t planning on getting pregnant, and the fathers do not wish to have a family together. Out of desperation, these women are considering abortions. This shelter has Christian doctors who are trying to get the mothers not to murder their children and provide moral support and help in delivering the babies. Baby Shower is a very popular celebration for the future mothers where they receive gifts, have fellowship, and sweets. The shelter also helps these single mothers to care for their children in the future.
Visiting the refugee shelter in Suceava, Romania was especially memorable. This is where Peter, Vlad, and Aleksander helped the refugees both financially and spiritually; they bought clothing and food for them and were received with much joy and gratitude.
There was also a very important meeting with the Union of ECB Churches’ Chairman of Ukraine, Antonyuk Valeriy which took place in Lvov. The brothers were able to discuss the future financial involvement of churches in the U.S. to help the Ukrainian churches. According to V. Antonyuk, the greatest need is the upcoming ministry in Eastern Ukraine, Ivano-Frankovsk, and Chernigov regions which are very unsafe.
“Personally, I am ready to go again with those who wishes to invest their time and finances to minister in Ukraine. We really need brothers and sisters, biblical counselors, whose hearts are open to helping the Ukrainian people”, said Peter Babich upon his return home.
Praise God for all His mercy and blessings! We continue to pray and actively serve in helping Ukraine!
Svetlana Iotko