Throughout history, The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ was established by the Holy Spirit through special ministers who “served the tables”.
The first seven men who were tested, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom”, were appointed for such ministry by the apostles (Acts 6:1-6). Later in his epistle to the Philippians, the apostle Paul calls them “deacons”. He is addressing “all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, along with bishops and deacons.” Deacons distributed the food at the times of fellowship and cared for the life of the church as a whole. This allowed the apostles and pastors to be fully devoted to preaching the Gospel and teach the people of God to live according to the teachings of Christ. That is why deacons were the helpers of the apostles, and later, to the bishops and pastors. They were always in a constant contact with the church members and were very knowledgeable of the needs of the people of God. In our time, just like at the times of the apostles, the ministry of deacons is an essential part of the Holy Spirit’s work in establishing the Church.
On May 29, during the morning service at the First Slavic Evangelical Baptist Church, the service was dedicated to ordain three men for the deacon ministry, who were “tested and full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom”. Aleksandr Puz, Sergey Moiseyenko, and Vasiliy Moskalets were ordained as deacons. Their wives, Irina Puz, Anna Moiseyenko, and Eshter Moskalets were along side of them as well. The ordination prayer with the laying of the hands was performed by pastors Vladimir Brodovinskiy, Vladimir Kunets, and the leading pastor, Vladimir Vasilenko, as well as the president of the Pacific Coast Slavic Association of ECB churches, Ivan Mileyev.
We wish these precious deacons abundant blessings of God for such an important service for the church, and for their wives – patience and God’s strength in supporting the hands of their husbands.
Vladimir Kunets, church’s pastor.

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