The Easter service at The RockLand Baptist Church was filled with special joy on June 16, 2022. First, because the church celebrated Father's Day and lifted up the men of the congregation. And second, because during this service, three men were ordained as deacons.
“And today, on this Sunday, Lord, please bless us all! And strengthen us by Your Spirit from heaven to abide in Your love.” Pastor Nikolay Bugriev emphasized the importance of closeness with God, regardless of age, status, or financial situation. Loving God and loving people is the key to a blessed and happy life, successful fatherhood, and ministry. This is what we must pass on to our children.
After the festive performances of the children's groups, the church prayed for the blessing of the following brothers for the deacon ministry: Pavel Vasilkov, the director of the Sunday School, Vladimir Pozhidaev, who is responsible for audio ministry, and Yevgeny Utyuzh, who recently became responsible for the children's club "AWANA". The brothers were elected at the membership meeting and were tested for two years. They passed the "test" with dignity and received a clear answer from God. Now it's time to pray in the church with the laying on of hands by the clergy.
Donskikh, A. Dobytin and A. Turkach took part in the ordination together with pastor N. Bugriyov. The whole church prayed in unison and, at the end of the service, congratulated the new deacons and their wives. The pastor once again reminded the church: "Servants are not masters, not bosses, but vice versa." The level of responsibility increases, but not the level of importance in our own eyes.
We congratulate the church with the addition of ministers and wish for further growth.
Svetlana Iotko