“Daughter of the King – me or her?” - the theme of the Women's Prayer Breakfast, which took place on October 1 at Grace Church Avenue Bible Church. About 50 women and girls had the opportunity to reflect on how important proper self-esteem is for Christians, and how it affects relationships with God and others.
Any truth that we hear often in church can be just a good on paper, but never really bring fruit in the real life. The phrase "The King's Daughter" is often heard but do we really feel like the king's daughters? Do we see royalty in others? And what do we base our idea of royalty on? Conferences, songs, and books?
Extremes in self-esteem can cause either pride and superiority over others, or "perfectionism" and constant dissatisfaction with one's life. Both can be readjusted if you learn to look at yourself and the world through God's eyes, accept His grace and watch your thoughts. These are well-known truths, but at this meeting we tried to understand how to put them into practice in the daily life. What signposts can warn us of danger, and how are we to not give up if the internal changes do not happen quickly.
During the discussion, many sisters shared their examples of difficulties, victories, as well as about God's help and guidance. Being in the courtyard of the church under the Californian rays of the warm sun, watching God's creation, women could pray and meditate, as they listened to the beautiful songs of Yulia Avstrub. The topic of self-esteem was presented by Vita Zhukova, the wife of a pastor and family counselor.
In the future, we hope that these women's breakfasts will become a good church tradition for fellowship, prayer, fulfillment, and the knowledge of God!
“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Col 3:12)
Vita Zhukova