Continuing the summer camp season, Good News Church, Tacoma, held youth and children's camps. The rising generation is the future of the church, so leaders pay special attention to their education.
The theme of the youth camp was “Never give up!”, and the camp’s motto was Isaiah 40:31: “But those who hope in the Lord will be renewed in strength; they will lift up their wings like eagles.” In the context of Scripture, the following topics were considered:
- Persistence
- Encouragement
- Endurance
A total of forty young people attended the camp.
The children's camp was called "Mysterious Island" and covered topics such as:
- Lord is great
- God is omnipotent
- God is the ruler
- God - Emmanuel
One hundred and seventy people attended the camp, children from the second through the eighth grades. There were many Ukrainian refugee children as well. The program was very interesting and included Bible lessons, crafts, sports and songs. Many children gave their hearts to Jesus at the end of the camp. Praise God!
Timofey Petrov