The annual "United " youth camp took place from September 2nd to 5th at the Tannery Gulch Campground which brought together the youth from different churches. The main speaker was Tony Arnds, pastor and professor of Expository Preaching at the Cornerstone Seminary. There were about 420 people who came to the camp. They had a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and be fellowship with the Lord and with each other.
There were two worship services every day. In the morning and evening, the youth reflected on the greatness of God's creation and the role of man in it. Also, there was time for fellowship, prayer, study of the Scriptures, worship, food, sports, and recreation. One of many important topics was raised not only for young people, but for all Christians: “What is our purpose in God?” We repented, were baptized, we go to church on Sundays... What's next? Is this the end of God's plan for me? Pastor Tony Arnds explained this topic in a very simple and understandable way. In addition, the wonderful worship was led by the youth worship team from Fresno.
According to the organizers of the camp, such events unite young people, strengthen and nurture their walk with the Lord, as well as help them to have fun, and make new friends. But most importantly, they give you the opportunity to have a genuine fellowship with God away from the bustle of the city.
The head of the youth department, Peter Makletsov, shared his experiences and impressions:
“Like last year, we were very worried about the fires that raged throughout our state. In this regard, there was a lot of discussion about whether there will be a camp this year or not, and if there is, where ... If it doesn’t work out at the old place, then will we consider a “plan B”, etc ... But through the prayers of our brothers and sisters, the camp became a reality! And the most impressive thing for us was that during the camp the air was absolutely clean. Those fires that were already raging in our state did not interfere with us at all. Praise God! We thank everyone for their prayers and support. I wish everyone to be confident in knowing their mission, and purpose in God!”
“ And whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly, as to the Lord, and not as to men” ( Col. 3:23).
More photos can be seen on the Youth Department’s website: .
Svetlana Iotko