Missionary Ministry of the First Slavic Baptist Church (end of the previous article)
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2533
Ministering in Thailand
This summer we were blessed to have an opportunity to visit and participate in an evangelistic service in a public school in the province of Chiang Rai on the south part of Thailand. Our team consisted of 25 people; twelve from America, seven were local students and ministers of a Thailand Christian School of Avod, and six volunteers from Russia. We were truly grateful to the Lord that He strengthened and united our team, and made us instruments in His hands for the work to which we were called.
Looking Back at One More Convention...
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1871
Three months of preparation, three days of church services, seminars, meetings, and the 80th convention is history. Out of all that was planned, what was accomplished and what wasn’t realized? Let’s begin with what was accomplished.
The delegates of 27 of the Association’s 33 churches, some of the Association’s partners, and representatives of various Christian Associations were able to gather and spend an edifying time in the seminars and evening services. Both delegates as well as guests had an opportunity to listen to great singing of choirs, individual performers, and the “Kovcheg” group. Everyone really enjoyed the city tour and a prayer in the capitol. Russian Baptist Church of Bryte who was hosting the event was very welcoming in the decoration, wonderful food, and friendly waiters. There was positive feedback about the seminars and the follow-up discussions. The women had their own spiritually-edifying fellowship. There was an introduction of a new missionary project “Spain”, and more than $6,000 was raised in its support.
10th Annual Missionary Reunion
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2128
PCSBA's department "Power in Truth" is excited to invite you to the 10th Annual Missionary Reunion, "Faithful. Persistent. Blessed."
Saturday October 28th, 2017
Grace Avenue Bible Church
1425 Grace Ave, Sacramento, CA 95838.
Register at http://ptmissions.com/upcoming_event/
September Newsletter - 2017
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1906
September newsletter is available here:
October 5 - Bring Your Bible to School Day
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1969
On this day — this year’s event is Oct. 5 — thousands of students across the whole country will share God’s hope and celebrate religious freedom by doing something simple, yet powerful: They’ll bring their Bibles to school and talk about it with friends! Be a part of this nationwide, student-led movement! Get started now by following the three easy steps presented on this website: http://www.bringyourbible.org.
Missionalry Ministry of the First Slavic Baptist Church
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2815
Africa. South Sudan-Uganda
Because of the economical and territorial disputes which lead to military conflicts between Sudan and South Sudan, the situation in the country is unstable. South Sudan has one of the highest levels of the spread of HIV infections in the world. There are even a number of rare diseases that have not been discovered anywhere else other than in these regions. For example, there is a rare disease of unknown origin which is called the Nodding Syndrome. There is neither the known origin, nor the cure of this disease. It is secluded and dangerous places that the missionaries of First Slavic Baptist Church of Sacramento go to preach the Gospel.
33rd Convention of ECB Churches of Moldova
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2886
There was an annual Convention of the Evangelical Christian-Baptists of Moldova on September 15-16 which took place in the “Bethel” church in Kishinev. The main slogan of the convention was the words from Ephesians 4:3 “be diligent to preserve the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace”. The convention was attended by 450 delegates and guests. Many of the guests as well as the representatives from the partnering organizations and association of churches welcomed the convention’s delegates. Among them were Viorel Yuga, President of the Baptist Union of Romania, Churck Rogister, the head of the SBK Missionary department, South Carolina, Igor Bandura, the vice-president of the Ukrainian Union of Slavic ECB Churches, Peter Choklya, Chairman of the association of Moldavian Churches of the U.S. and Canada, Genrih Beck, president of the “Vector of Hope East” Missions, Waldemar Shreder, Chairman of the “Bridge to Life” Fund, etc. The joint choir of Beltsy, mutual group from “Bethany”, orchestra, and choir from the church of Kolishab as well as many other singers and musicians created an especially joyful atmosphere by their worship of God.
Nov 5 - Internation Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2565
Scripture affirms that the Christian life is a call to glory through suffering. Accordingly, on a daily basis Christians around the world face persecution in various forms, including discrimination, physical assaults, violence and even death.
A Trip to Kiev
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2706
On September 7th, God allowed my wife Alena and me to visit Ukraine. After eight years since my previous visit to Kiev, I was pleasantly surprised by the external changes, as well as internal transformations in different aspects of the city life. More importantly, Ukraine is currently experiencing total religious freedom and opportunities of open preaching of the Gospel. True reforms of the country begin with the change of every individual heart, as well as spiritual rebirth of the entire society. Many residents of Kiev spend their weekends and days on the Plaza of Independence. It is not just a place of the past events, but also a place where the preaching of the Gospel can presently be heard.
Sierra Pines Camp 70th Anniversary
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2269
September 2-4, Sierra Pines Camp had the honor of celebrating its 70th year operating as a Christian retreat center. We celebrated by inviting current and past participants in Sierra Pines Camp’s history to take part in a day full of activities and weekend retreat.
The main event was a pleasant luncheon catered by Elena Petrenko. We worshipped together and our guests heard from several speakers spanning the recent history of Sierra Pines. Many were moved to tears hearing from one of our guest speakers, Cindy de Beer. She shared how she came to Christ at Sierra Pines Camp as a teenager and her life was forever changed. She went on to become a long term missionary in Africa, spreading the love of Jesus across the globe. There are so many touching stories about how God has worked through camp, and we were so privileged to hear a few of them for this event.
God on Trial Conference
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2825
God on Trial is the new Fearless Faith conference of 2017, a dynamic event where believers from all over Northern California will come together with world renowned apologists to explore some of the most difficult questions facing Christianity today.Join us this year as we address questions of God, morality, science, tolerance, and more! Register today!
Tickets starting at $30.00. Registration is here: http://godontrialsacramento.com/registration. Place: House of Bread Christian Church, 6521 Hazel Ave, Sacramento, CA 95662.
More information is on this website: http://godontrialsacramento.com.
August 2017 Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2819
August 2017 newsletter is available here:
New Missionary Project in Spain
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2332
«Therefore, when I have finished this, and have put my seal on this fruit of theirs, I will go on by way of you to Spain.» (Rom.15:28)
Apostle Paul dreamed to visit one of the countries of Europe which was “far” from the center of the missionary ministry to the Gentiles-Antioch. This country was Spain, a country with rich history, beautiful cities, and kind and friendly people. Many immigrants from CIS* moved to this country in search of better jobs and a better life. A country with relatively low cost of living became a place where a lot of brothers and sisters permanently moved.
August Pastors Meeting
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2597
On August 26, Grace Avenue Bible Church (previously Third Slavic Baptist Church) hosted a meeting of the Association’s pastors. I was pleasantly surprised seeing a well-decorated sanctuary (I thought that I was coming to a wedding reception). Brothers and sisters of the local church prepared a tasty lunch and even supplied technical support for the conference. Big thanks to Vladimir Ivanovich Troshin for the warm welcome and organization of the event.
"Life of Jesus" Camp by "Choose Life" Church, Fife, WA
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1941
"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me" John 5:39 (ESV).
The statement is true that "knowing about Jesus and knowing Him personally are not the same." It is absolutely certain that more people in the world that have at least some knowledge about Jesus. This is true for not only Christians but for people from various religious groups as well as people who do not believe in anyone or anything. But many simply cannot underestimate the impact Jesus Christ has had on human history.
This "Life of Jesus" Camp is definitely for you!!
Visit to Minnesota
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2213
On August 6th my wife and I had an opportunity to visit the “Transfiguration” church in Minnesota. With joy and reverence, I was returning to this church which I founded 18 years ago along with a small group of 11 people. I went through the school of training at that church, the school which was so useful for me, a school which valued “faithfulness in little”. It is especially necessary to have a special inspiration in order to have regular Sunday sermon, worship, and fellowship. I spent 13 years in the cool of Minnesota’s weather and never thought that someday the time would come to return to California. It’s been over 10 years that I minister in California.
July Newsletter is available
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1948
July Newsletter is available here:
Sierra Pines Camp 70th Anniversary Celebration
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2124
Tickets available now for Sierra Pines Camp's 70th Anniversary Event at 70anniversary.sierrapinescamp.org/. Special luncheon will take place on Saturday, September 2. Cabins available to rent for the weekend. Volunteers and sponsors needed, call 916-290-2897 for more information.
South Sudan and Uganda Mission Trip Summary
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2363
As the worlds youngest country South Sudan celebrates its 6 year existence as of July 9, 2011, the civil war escalates. Many South Sudanese are fleeing their homes due to the violence that the government is causing on innocent people. They escape to the nearby country of Uganda. Uganda now holds the Worlds Largest Refugee camp called Bidi-Bidi with over 300,000 South Sudanese Refugees. With 86% percent of those being Women and Children. They are given land that is 30x30 meters and some to do farming on. There is a water shortage in the most populated areas, instead of receiving 15 liters of water which is the emergency minimum, they receive only 10 liters per day due to the large amounts of new refugees coming in.
"Show Love" – Visiting Sudanese Refugee Camps
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2665
A group of ten people (five from California and five from Moldova) recently returned from a two-week trip to the Sudanese refugee camps. The head of the trip Igor Mordvinov from the Union of ECB, Moldova, shares about the things that were accomplished during this trip.
June Newsletter
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- Hits: 2327
Student Enrollment for the English-Speaking Curriculum
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2107
Institute of Ministry “Blagovest” in partnership with an American seminary “Corner stone” announces open enrollment for faculty in training ministers who will be engaged in a variety of ministries in English. The program is called “Church ministry and Evangelism” and is designed for those who wishes to minister in the English-speaking context. That includes leading a Bible study in small groups, church preaching in English, and local evangelism with a purpose of starting a new Bible study group, and much more.
God's Family with Precise Structure
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2832
That is exactly how the church's senior pastor Oleg Petrovich Kostyuk characterizes the “Cornerstone” church.
"Don’t Waste Your Life" Conference - 2017
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2567
It is easy to say: "Don’t Waste Your Life", but what does it mean: to waste your life? How to determine that the things that I am engaged in are wasteful or not? What are the occasions and times when I do something useless, and something meaningful? How can that be defined?
Summary of Teen Ministry
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1859
Our goal with all Teen Ministry staff, spanning dozens of churches, with over 110 staff involved, is to help raise up a God-fearing, Jesus following generation, that is well founded upon God's word, emphasizing first off the need for true repentance, spiritual growth through involvement in ministry at a local-home church, and further reaching out to the lost world around us.
Summit in The Defense of Persecuted Christians
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3367
On May 10-13, there was an international Summit in the Defense of the Persecuted Christians in Washington D.C. The summit organizer was Franklin Graham who is a leader of a missionary group--“The Samaritan’s Purse” and a son of a well-known preacher—Billy Graham. More than 600 Christian leaders from 130 countries were invited to the summit with a goal of discussing the state of the persecuted Christians around the world.
PCSBA's May Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2084
PCSBA's May Newsletter is available here: in English | in Russian.
Fellowship with the "Good News" Church, Tacoma
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2611
While in Tacoma, I had the privilege to visit the “Good News” church. This church has church services both in English and in Russian. The senior pastor Vasiliy Vasilyevich Stupin is gifted in both languages and easily transitions between them. On May 14, the church had a twofold celebration: baptism of six people and the celebration of Mothers’ Day. Because of that, they had only one service for all of the church members.
Pastors’ Fellowship in Tacoma, WA
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3604
On May 13, I met with the Pacific Coast Baptist Association’s pastors in Tacoma, WA. The meeting was organized by a member of the Association’s Committee—Vasiliy Vasilyevich Stupin. It was a great time of introductions and fellowship.
"How Church Can Serve People with Special Needs" Seminar
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2883
We had a great seminar this past Saturday, April 29th, "How church can serve people with special needs". More than 50 people joined us to learn about physical and mental disability, and how we can serve the last mentioned. Special attention was given to Autism spectrum disorder. Practical examples were shared of how to accommodate young children at Sunday schools and other classes. Brief history and statistics about special needs and disability was discussed. Information about current ministry and near future plans for special needs ministry was presented and everyone was encouraged to spread it at their churches and/or to people who might be interested.
Famine in South Sudan
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2328
Famine has been officially declared in parts of South Sudan.
It is the first time famine has been declared anywhere in the world since 2011, and it doesn’t get more extreme than this in terms of suffering.
Across South Sudan, 275,000 children face imminent risk of death from starvation. And an additional 1 million people in other parts of the country are literally on the brink of famine, unable to meet their survival needs. Read more on the website Actions Against Hunger.
Family retreat -2017 is cancelled
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2249
The past winter snow storms destroyed a lot of constructions at the Sierra Pines Camp and damaged some facilities. There is still a lot of snow and ice, and the camp is not a good condition for families with small children.
Taking it in consideration, the leadership of the PCSBA has decided to cancel the retreat.
Should you have any questions regarding this cancellation, please call at 916-716-2950.
I. Mileyev
PCSBA President
Moms in Prayer Ministry Annual Retreat - 2017
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2321
International ministry "Moms in Prayer" is going to held an annual women retreat at the Sierra Pines Camp. The theme of the retreat is based on the Ruth book. Main speaker is Shirinay Dosova.
April News Letter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1793
April Newsletter is available here: In English | In Russian.
Baptism in San Jose
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2682
On March 25, Grace Family Church held the first baptism in their branch in San Jose. About 5 years, a group of dedicated brothers and sisters did outreach in this city and had services in San Jose at the First Baptist Church, Campbell.
Mission Training - 2017
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3699
On Saturday, April 1, the Power in Truth department hosted a training titled “How to Hear without a Preacher?” and served the people attending the session from California, Washington, and Florida.
Eastern Congratulations
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2674
Unions, associations, churches, and missionaries congratulate us with Eastern:
Special Family Day Celebration
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2799
You are invited to the Special Family Day celebration!
Easter Greeting
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3483
Dear brothers and sisters! Please accept a warm Easter greeting!
Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!
This great event is not accidental. Jesus Christ said a lot about His death and resurrection to His disciples but they did not heard Him! They were not ready to receive the good news of the resurrection. Their doubt and unbelief accompanied all of the events related to the resurrection of Christ. The risen Christ told them: “It is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dad the tired day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem” Luke. 24:46-47.
Mission Summit in Poland
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2808
Last Month I had an opportunity to visit the Seventh Missionary Summit-forum of Russian speaking churches in Europe. The Summit took place on February 21 to 24 in Polish Baptist Seminary which is called “Joy”, near Warsaw. Over the course of four days, I rejoiced that I had fellowship with the brethren who responded to God’s call and went to various countries of Europe for preaching Gospel. Just like Apostle Paul, they heard the missions’ call: “go to Macedonia and help us.” (Acts 16:9) and they responded God to wholeheartedly obey the Great Commission.
Honolulu Church Celebration
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3511
Slavic Baptist Church of Honolulu had a celebratory service on March 19, 2017. During this service, a new deacon, Leonid Bak, was ordained for deaconship.
How church can serve people with disabilities
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2674
You are invited to the "How church can serve people with disabilities" seminar.
Date: Saturday, Apr. 29, 2017 года
Time: 10 am to 3 pm
Place: Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento
Address: 1716 Willow Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691
Registration fee: $15 (lunch and materials)
Registration: on the website http://limitlessloves.org/main/ - Serving Special Needs at Church Seminar.
March Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2198
March newsletter is available here: In Russian | In English.
AWANA Ministry Conference
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3129
You are invited to AWANA ministry conference:
When: May 13, 14-16, 2017
Time: May 13: 9:30 am - 4:00pm, May 15: 6pm - 9pm; May 16: 6pm-9pm
Where: Russian Baptist Church, Bryte. Address: 1000 Sacramento Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95605
Speaker: Cheslaw Bassara
Registration Fee: before May1, 1 day: $15.00, 3 days: $25.00; at the door: 1 day: $20.00, 3 days: $30.00. Includes material, breakfast and lunch.
Registration is here: https://goo.gl/forms/GCOXBn0EsKahavwg1
Flyer with detailed information see here.
Children Ministry Conference: Reaching through Teaching
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3788
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
You are invited to the children ministry conference:
When: May 13, 2017
Where: Russian Baptist Church, Bryte. Address: 1000 Sacramento Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95605
Speaker: Czeslaw Bassara
Registration fee: $15.00 per person (one day – May 13)
RSVP by April 30:
Natalya Lakhno: (916) 335-6391
Oleg Lakhno: (916) 802-4140
Tim Malanchuk: (253) 686-6975
Don't waste your life!
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2563
Youth conference on 1-3 June. For more details see website https://youthconference.us/ and video clip below.
How shall they hear? - Missions training
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2256
Mission training - You are invited!
April 1, 2017 | 9:30 am to 4 pm
Grace Family Church
7031 Watt Ave, North Highlands, CA 95660
Admission is $10
February 2017 Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2225
February newsletter is available here: in English | in Russian
Pastors and Youth Leaders Conference
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2501
Dear brothers, ministers of the PCSBA'a churches!
25 Feb at 9:00 am a pastors and youth leaders conference will be held at the First Slavic Baptist Church located at 7238 Cromwell Way, Sacramento, CA 95822.
Dear pastors, I hope that you and youth leaders of your church will attend this very important conference. We are going to discuss issues the immigrant churches face and how to overcome them. I hope that you will not only participate this conference but also will be active in all discussions.
With love in Christ,
Ivan Mileyev
Family Retreat Registration Instructions
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2457
To have a successful event registration, please follow the next instructions:
- In the Types of Registrations part, select number of adults and/or children you want to register. The total registration fee will be calculated automatically.
- Enter the family or group leader's information in the form below the Types of Registrations part. All fields marked with red asterisks are required.
- Select number of adults and children in the How many adults and children are you registering? field
- Resize the Names and ages of all adults and children you are registering field as needed by clicking and dragging right bottom corner of the field - see image below:
- Enter names and ages of all adults and children in the Names and ages of all adults and children you are registering field. Please be careful to enter all names and ages here; otherwise, it will negatively affect living arrangement of your family or group. Enter each name on separate line clicking Enter button of your keyboard after each entry. Your entry should look like this:
- Kate Ivanov - 5
- Valentina Ivanov - 35 - Enter first and last names of the credit card's holder whose card you are going to use for payment. When you are redirected to a PayPal page, you will have an option to pay with PayPal account or a credit card.
- If you have some special conditions, requests or any other information you want to share with us, please enter it in the Comment field.
- Check one more time if you selected correct number of registrations in the Types of Registrations and in the How many adults and children are you registering? parts and compare it with the information you entered in the Names and ages of all adults and children you are registering.
- If all selections made and information provided correctly, put checkmarks in the By registering for this event, I accept Terms and Conditions and I am not a robot checkboxes and click the Process Registration. Then follow instructions on screen.
Family Retreat 2017 - Term and Conditions
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2325
By registering for the Family Retreat - 2017, you agree with all conditions presented on this page - click here to read (in Russian only)
Should you have to cancel the registration later, you should do it
- If you registered in February or March - not later than 55 days from the date of your registration
- If you registered in April or May - not later than May 23.
The registration fee is not refundable later. To have your money back, you must find somebody who will attend the retreat in place of you.
To cancel the registration, please contact registration coordinator by phone (916) 716-2950 or email:
Family retreat - 2017
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3107
Read the following documents before starting registration process:
Click here to register!
ATTENTION: Places are available in dorms only.
Look here for available places.
The annual family retreat will take place at the Sierra Pines Camp May 26-29. The main topic of the retreat is "Family for God's Glory", Eph. 5:20-6:1. Speaker: Sergey Tarasenko, a famous pastor from South of California.
There are many activities in the retreat program: seminars, services, family presentations, games, hiking, crafting for children and many others. Final version of the program will be sent to registered families and groups several days prior the retreat starts.
January Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2329
PCSBA's January Newsletter is available here:
- In Russian - http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/…
- In English - http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/…
- There is hope for you
- School of the blessed brides
- Moms in Prayer Ministry. 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
- Retreat for families with special need children
- Sergei Saponenko's 50-th Anniversary
- Kirnev's Family Congratulation
- December Newsletter
- November newsletter
- Let's Us Unite in Prayer for America
- October Newsletter
- Family Conference
- 79th Reporting-electoral Convention
- 79th PCSBA's Convention
- PCSBA Annual Convention Youth Service
- Seminar for Couples and Young Parents
- Septermber's Newsletter
- Children Ministry Conference
- VBS at the Bryte Church
- Dr. Kent Hovind Conference - Live Streaming
- Retreat for singles, engaged, and for those, who are in some type of dating relationship
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