Voice of the Child - Online Petition
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- Hits: 2357
A new proposed law in Russia could ban all adoptions of Russian children by American families.
Christian Camp Leadership Conference - 2013
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- Hits: 3960
Christian Camp Leadership Conference for Slavic Churches in California is an annual event focusing on building relationships and training leaders for Christian Camps in the United States and for missions overseas. We at PCSBA are on a look out for committed, passionate, and trained Christian Camp leaders. You could be one of them.
Job Opportunity at the Serra Pines Camp
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- Hits: 3425
We are looking for the camp director!
PCSBA has started a new ministry and bought a camp recently. Sierra Pines Camp is located in the beautiful High Sierras of Northern California on the border of Desolation Wilderness (6800 ft. above sea level). It is only thirty minutes from downtown South Lake Tahoe and two hours east of Sacramento.
Day of Prayer and Fasting for Youth
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- Hits: 2808
12/12/12 - Day of prayer and fasting for our youth. Please join the service that will take place at Russian Baptist Church of Bryte Nov 12 at 6:30 p.m. The church address is 1000 Sacramento Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95605.
The poster for this event may be found here.
Israel Tour
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- Hits: 3820
It is impossible to convey how you will feel and what you will be thinking when you take your first steps on the sacred ground of Israel. You will be enveloped in the land where our Savior spent most of his life. You will walk on the roads He walked on. You will visit the places where He preached, prayed, suffered and died. Your heart will warm as you experience the Bible stories and parables as they vividly come to life.
Does It Matter Which Person of the Trinity We Pray to?
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- Hits: 6268
If you ever were concerned about which person of the Trinity to pray, read this very interesting article written by John Piper, a well known pastor and preacher.
Pre-Election Prayer Walk
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- Hits: 2792
America is facing serious economic and political crisis. As the followers of Jesus Christ we know what caused it. America has abandoned its Judeo-Christian values and God. What you and I can do at this time? Of course, we can pray! What is better and more effective? What the reason can be even more important than this?
God Answered Our Prayers!
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- Hits: 3312
Samuel had his second surgery yesterday, 9-13-12 @ 11am. The doctors told us that surgery went well as planed.
Samuel is home right now under strong pain medications. He will remain in the cast for about 8 weeks for the wound to heal, then he will start physical therapy. All the process suppose to be about 6 month till he will be able to walk normally again with his right foot.
After six month Samuel will have the same procedure for his left foot.
We as parents recognize that without God's help doctors would not be able to do anything and Samuel would not make it. Praise Lord God Almighty and we give all the credits to Him.
Again, thanks to all of you that had Samuel and all of us in your prayers. May God bless you and reward for that.
Parents: Slavik and Natalie
Pre-Election Prayer
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2069
America is facing serious economic and political crisis. As the followers of Jesus Christ we know what caused it. America has abandoned its Judeo-Christian values and God. What you and I can do at this time? Of course, we can pray! What is better and more effective? What the reason can be even more important than this?
Join us at the California State Capitol in Sacramento to peacefully pray for our government leaders, as we are instructed in 1 Timothy 2:1-4.
Meet at the West Steps (along 10th Street) anytime from 6:00 - 8:00 pm to sign in, then walk around the Capitol praying individually or in small groups. Parking is available on-street or in the parking garage on the corner of 10th and L across the street from the Capitol. Handouts with sample prayers will be provided. Event concludes by 9:00 pm. Everyone is welcome!
You can pre-register to attend by visiting Capitol Commision website.
For more information, refer to this flyer
Frank Erb
California State Director
Thank You for Your Prayers!
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2776
Dear friends,
We thank God for all of you that prayed for us and specially for Samuel and the doctors in the first operation.
As you know, Samuel had his first surgery today, 28 Aug, on his right foot.
Second surgery for the same foot is scheduled for September 13th.
Everything went good and Samuel is home right now.
Keep us in your prayers.
Thank you,
Parents: Slavik and Natalie
Slavic Sirbu is a pastor of Bethel Christian Church in Bellevue, WA
Women Conference: "Come to Me"
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3503

"Then Jesus said, COME TO ME all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 (NLT)
November 9-10, 2012
Moms in Prayer International Russian Conference
Step away from the ordinary for a time of encouragement, refreshment, rest and renewal.
Join Fern Nichols, international author/speaker and founder of Moms in Prayer International, for an inspirational time of prayer, worship, reflection and encouragement.
Slavic Mission Forum 2012
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2786
Slavic Mission Network of USA/Canada invites you to the:
Slavic Mission Forum 2012 September 28-29, 2012 Washington DC Metro Area
Literature Department
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1832

Head of the department
Adolf Pichaj
A while ago, Adolf Pichaj was the editor of the "Bulletin of the Association." When he was a member of the Hollywood Church, it happened that one brother, a member of the same church, planning to sell books, borrowed many Christian publications from Germany for a decent amount of money and could not sell them. He appealed to the Association to help him with the money to pay his debt. After some negotiations, the brothers decided to give money to this brother to pay his debt and asked Adolf to sell the reminder of the books and return money to the Association. Brother Adolf A. zealously took up the matter, and after a while all the money was returned to the cashier of the Association. It was a beginning of brother Adolf's literature ministry.
He himself had a lot of books, old Christian magazines, etc. He decided to donate it to the Association and make a Christian library available to all ministers. Step by step, he transported a lot of items to the PCSBA's office in West Sacramento and passed it to Nikolay Bugriyev, who was PCSBA President at that time.
Adolf Pichaj is a author of the book "Under the protection of the Most High", (142 pages), and the Association has published it. He plans to collect all the poems of brother Daniil Alexandrovich Jasko and publish the book with the help of the Association.
Contact Information:
- Head of the department: Adolf Pichaj
(626) 961-5344,
(626) 629-9066б
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Board of Trustees
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 5002
There are several spiritually experienced pastors in the Board of Trustees.
![]() NICHOLAY TSUMAN ![]() |
![]() IVAN URCHAK ![]()
![]() VALENTIN YERISOV ![]() ![]() |
Send Us a Note! Your Opinion is Important for Us
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