Persecution of Christians Worldwide Is “Near Genocide Levels.”
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2192
During Liberty University’s Commencement on May 11, 2019, the Vice-President on the United States Mike Pence shared his testimony about becoming Christian, and then told the following:
“The truth is, we live in a time when the freedom of religion is under assault. Yesterday, I was informed by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom that today Christians suffer more persecution around the world than any other religion. In fact, the United Kingdom released a report just last week that said persecution of Christians worldwide is “near genocide levels.””
May's Education Ministry Updates
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1995
On April 27, there was another session of the master’s level in Montebello. Sergey Pronin taught the course on Managing Christian Organizations.
Alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord
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- Hits: 2289
The Capm Fire did not stop either Easter or Christmas.
On Sunday, December 23, 2018, after a two-month break forced by fire over the ashes of the burnt down Californian city of Paradise, the church's bell rang. This is Scotty, a ringer of the 1st Baptist Church, blow by blow twelve times he pulled a rope tied to the church bell-clapper. This ringing of the bell shortly before Christmas, which had awakened the emptiness of the city, deserted after a fire and located on a mountain plateau, was heard far around and proclaimed that the Church was alive and not burned.
V. Tsvirinko April 2019 Report
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1866
V.Tsvirinko's April report about his ministry in Moldova is available here: in Russian | in English.
Pastor Ordination at Grace Family Church
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2689
One more young pastor was added to the team of shepherds at Grace Family Church. April 28 was the ordination ceremony of Yevgeniy Bardosh.
PCSBA's April Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1717
April newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Annual Missionary Training
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2553
On Saturday, April 6, Bethel Church hosted a training with the involvement of brothers and sisters who are part of a short-term missionary trips to various countries. The meeting was organized by the PCSBA’s Missionary Ministry Department “Power in Truth”. The main speaker was Michael Cherenkov, the vice-president of the international Christian organization “Mission to Eurasia”. His presentation consisted of three parts: How to get ready for missions (conviction of the missionary call); clearance, difficulties, decisions, fruit of ministry.
Third Congress of Slavic Youth of North America
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2725
On March 29-31, 2019, there was the Third Congress of Slavic Youth of North America in Minnesota with a theme of “More Prayer, More Power!” This theme was expounded in the sermons of youth leaders of the association: Anton Babarykin, Oleg Artemov, Ivan Volosyuk, Oleg Trukhlinskiy, and others. The chairmen of the Slavic associations of America also participated in preaching: Vladimir Sharikov, Andrey Chumakin, Nicolay Gorobinskiy, and Ivan Mileyev. I had the privilege of speaking on: “How does God Answer”. While I was preparing this sermon, I was so gripped by the breadth and depth of this theme that it was difficult to fit the content under the restraints of time.
Christ is Risen!
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- Hits: 2307
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. 1 Cor.15:3-4.
Dear brothers and sisters! Congratulation on Eastern celebration!
Prayer for Blessing of Families with Special Needs
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2500
On April 6, Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento hosted a prayer service for families with children with special needs. Nine pastors from seven different churches (Russian-speaking and one English-Speaking pastor) of our city took part in this service. Three of these pastors have children and relatives with special needs and have experienced all the difficulties that these families with special needs have.
PCSBA's March Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1659
PCSBA's March newsletter is availabale here: in Russian | in English.
House of Gospel Church Has a New Pastor
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3126
House of the Gospel Church in Fresno elected Aleksandr Ivanov as the new senior pastor. We wish him blessings in this very difficult and great charge. May the words of Apostle Paul be fully manifested in the life of this minister.
«…do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in the spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality…Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Rom. 12:11-15.
The meeting for the preparation of the Slavic Missionary Congress in Sacramento in 2020
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3132
On March 16, 2019, there was the first meeting for the preparation of the first ever International Slavic Missionary Congress for the Slavic diaspora in America.
Birth of a New Church in Spain
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2457
The church of Christ exists since the Day of Pentecost. The church consists of believers of all ages and generations and has been in existence for all this time. However, as the time passes there also comes a time of a birth of new local churches. These churches have their own history and the first day of their official opening.
Ninth Summit of Russian-Speaking Churches of Europe
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2560
On February 20-23, a Christian camp not far from Florence hosted ninth Summit of Russian-Speaking churches of Europe.
V.M. Tsvirinko's Report
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2182
V.M. Tsvirinko's February report about ministry in Moldova is available here: in Russian | in English.
February Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1504
February newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
God Blesses Our Ministry!
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2229
God is doing some exciting things at the Pacific Thrift Store! As most of you are aware, Pacific Thrift Store, a ministry of PCSBA, is the primary funding source for the missions department of PCSBA. The store, under the leadership of Pavel Tsvirinko and with contribution of dedicated employees and volunteers, experienced a record-setting January, with sales exceeding all previous January sales. Praise God!
67th National Prayer Breakfast
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2440
On February 7th, there was a 67th National Prayer Breakfast at a large Hilton hotel’s International Hall. This event attracted many guests from 150 countries of the world, as well as representatives from the fifty U.S. states. Over three-and-a-half thousand participants united in prayer for the improvement of relationships based on the right relationship with Jesus. Unified prayer allows to tear down all barriers that divide people, countries, political parties, and much more.
Semi-annual Meeting of PCSBA’s Churches Senior Pastors
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2595
On February 9, Grace Avenue Church hosted a meeting of PCSBA’s churches head pastors. The wives of pastors were also invited to this meeting, as well as the members of the Association’s committee. After a unified prayer and a word of exhortation given by the vice-president of the PCSBA Gennady Gavelovskiy, the women continued their fellowship in a different location where Vera Ivanovna Orlova who is a guest from Russia was one of the speakers.
Sunday School Directors Retreat
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2220
Peace to you brothers and sisters beloved by God! It is my joy to inform you that with God’s help and after a lengthy preparation, the Sunday School Ministry was able to organize one more event for the directors and their spouses this year. On February 1-3, there was an annual winter retreat at Sierra Pines Camp.
"Condemned to Salvation" Conference
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1893
On Saturday, March 2, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Second Slavic Church in Sacramento will host a conference organized by “Cornerstone” Church. The theme of the conference: “Condemned to Salvation”. During the conference, there will be a discussion of predestination, God’s sovereignty, and freewill of man.
V. Tsvirinko's January 2019 Report
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1945
V. Tsvirinko's January 2019 report is available here: in Russian | in English.
PCSBA's January Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1877
PCSBA's January newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Training of Biblical Counselors
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2844
Slavic Baptist Church of West Sacramento (pastor I. A. Verstak) hosted a fourth module of the International Institute of Biblical Counselors “Coram Deo”. Twenty-four people from different churches in Sacramento, including one brother from Pennsylvania studied the section of training in “Applying Scriptures in Counseling”. The goal of this module was to keep the counselor from misapplying the Scriptures, to instruct and model the right approach of application, to study and understand the application of moving from the Law to the Gospel in the process of sanctification, to help the counselor how to accurately handle the Scriptures and to rebuke or encourage the counselee.
Vacancy for the Youth Leader of the Association
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1745
ATTENTION! The Association has a vacancy for the leader of the youth ministry department. The requirements of the candidate, interview and acceptance can be found in a file published on the association’s website – click here.
Introducing New Technology as Aid to Ministry
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1716
We live in the age of technology, which develops so rapidly that we have to be always up-to-date in order to be familiar what is effective and is useful in many areas of society. Implementing of technology in everyday live can be both a blessing or a curse if we do not use it properly.
Stories of Fire Victims – Jason & Andrea and Their Family
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2440
By now, we shared a few times about different ways of how our Russian-speaking churches responded to the needs of fire victims of Paradise and surrounding regions. What follows is one more story of a family from that region, and how the Lord led them to meet the Slavic relief workers.
Tsvirinko December Report
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2114
December report of our missionary in Moldova V. Tsvirinko is available here:: in Russian | in English.
PCSBA's December Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1579
PCSBA's December newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Paradise Burned Down. What's Next?
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2161
Paradise is now open for visiting. The city is a surreal picture of metal carcasses of once inhabited buildings, now rolled up as a tangled bundle, melted remains of cars, heaps of rubble and brick chimneys standing alone in the open space… About 80% of the city is in ruins. Water supply, gas supple, and other communications are disrupted. Because of the smoke damage and lack of heat, the buildings that miraculously remained intact are still unsuitable for living.
We Received Congratulations!
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2101
Christian organizations and our partners in ministry congratulate us with Christmas and New Year:
- V. M. Tsvirinko – our missionary in Moldova
- Russian-Ukrainian Union of ECB, USA
- Ukrainian Union of ECB, Ukraine
- North-West Association of ECB Churches, USA
- Westfield Church
- Moldavian Union of ECB Churches, Moldova
- I. Danilyuk, American Missionary in Italy
- P. Inguryan, Member of the Parliament, Ukraine
- “Hope to People” Mission
Christmas Greeting
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2311
Dear brothers and sisters! I greet you on this bright and joyful celebration of the birth of Christ!
In this season, may our hearts be filled with joy, peace, and love! May the heavenly music fill our hearts!
Dinner with Paradise Fire Victims
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2496
On December 11, about 300 fire victims of the Paradise city came together had dinner at the Neighborhood Church in Chico. It was the same church that opened its doors to the fire victims within a few hours of the fire and provided food and shelter for many people. Although currently the fire victims are living in insulated tents, trailers, or with other families in rental units, the Neighborhood Church provides them with dinner every Tuesday and gives them an opportunity to have some fellowship afterwards.
November Newsletter 2018
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1737
PCSBA's November newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
V. Tsvirinko November Report
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2003
November report of our missionary in Moldova V. Tsvirinko is available here: in Russian | in English.
Help the Fire Victims in Paradise!
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 3020
The fire victims in Paradise need all the help they can get. To help them, you can do the following.
«Samaritan’s Purse» Ministry opened their headquarters in Chico. They are in need of volunteers who, after receiving short trainings, will be able work at the fire site. The task consists of sorting through the remains of ruined houses and finding personal valuables of the fire victims. In some cases, there will be a need to cut down trees, and dump the rubble remains. Soon thereafter, there will be a need to reconstruct some of the original church buildings.
October Report of V. Tsvirinko
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1897
October report of our missionary in Moldova V. Tsvirinko is available here - please click these links: in Russian | in English.
Happy Thanksgiving!
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2308
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! I wish you all happy Thanksgiving!
We are grateful to God for His blessings in our lives. He continues His care for us by sending us all things necessary for life and godliness!
October PCSBA's Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1897
PCSBA's October newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English.
Annual Missionary Reunion - 2018
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2279
More than 100 people gathered for the annual missionary meeting on October 27 at the Living Stones church, Rancho Cordova, CA. “Reignite” was the motto of this meeting of those who this year participated in a short-term or long-term mission or who somehow supported it. The meeting was organized by the PCSBA’s mission department.
81st PCSBA's Convention
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1885
Another productive convention of the PCSBA's churches is now over. The convention was dedicated to the theme of «Blessing of Unity». During the business part of the convention, there were reports of the Association's President, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Audit Commission, with an approval of their ministry. Concerning the convention's attendance, it is good to note that not all of the head pastors of churches were able to be there. Perhaps part of the reason for some pastors' absence is the far distance from Sacramento, especially those representatives of churches from Washington state, and Minnesota. It was good to see representatives from the church in Honolulu headed by Pavel Marchenko. This indicates that for some pastors who have the desire to be in fellowship of brothers and sisters, distance is not an obstacle.
«Master of Church Ministry» Level D program
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1846
According to the established learning programs, the Institute of Ministry «Blagovest» in partnership with Moscow Theological Seminary announces acceptance of applications into the «Master of Church Ministry» Level D program, English equivalent of «Master of Divinity» or «Master of Arts».
81st Convention Invitation
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1511
Everyone is invited to attend 81st PCSBA Convetion. The convention will take place on October 18-20 at the Grace Family Church. The church address is 7031 Watt Ave, North Highlands, CA, 95660.
The convention schedule is here: (in Russian only)
Speakers' information is available here - (in Russian only)
V. Tsvirinko September Report
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1788
September report of our missionary in Moldova V. Tsvirinko is available here - please click this link.
September Newsletter
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1985
"New Hope" Church's News
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2574
On September 9th, the «New Hope» church had a baptism ceremony during which 4 people gave testimony of the Lord's work in their lives.
From 13 to 15 of September, the «New Hope» had a children's camp. The Sunday school children and the guests from neighboring area took a part of this camp. The children were divided into three groups: oldest, middle, and youngest. Three teachers and eleven assistants were ministering to them. The days began with singing of songs of worship in both English as well as in Russian languages. Then the children heard the Bible stories and learned Bible verses.
Missionary Ministry of the «Transfiguration» Church
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2559
«On September 15, our «Transfiguration» church took place in the secular «Ukrainian Festival» for the immigrants from Ukraine during which we gave people Bibles in three languages: English, Ukrainian, and Russian. We distributed about 75 Bibles and invited people to church.
September News of the Department of Education
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2122
Another teaching session of the master's degree curriculum took place on August 25 and covered the subject of «Exegesis». Aleksey Ivanov from Ukraine was the instructor.
The Bachelor's level was taught on September 7 and 8 in Sacramento. The students listened to lectures on grammar of the Greek language and «Basics of Grammar». During this time, the English-speaking group was taught «Theology of the Family» by Sergiy Tarasenko, as well as Serwood Haisty who taught on Theology.
81st Convention of the Association
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2149
On October 18-20, there will be the 81st Annual Convention of the Association's Churches at Grace Family Church. The theme of the convention is «Blessing of Unity», and it is based on the text from Scriptures «Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace » Eph 4:3.
A significant portion of the convention will be spiritually edifying. During the evening services, main sessions, and seminars, the preachers from America, Russia, and Ukraine will be covering the theme of unity in various aspects of the Christian life. Saturday will be a day for the administrative part of the convention, which will be a time of reports and elections. The evening services and seminars are open to anyone willing to come.
V. Tsvirinko's August Report
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1584
August report of our missionary to Moldova, V. Tsvirinko, is available here.
August Newsletter, 2018
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 2099
PCSBA's August newsletter is available here: in Russian | in English. Newsletters subscription is available here.
What's the Secret?
- Category: News Archive
- Hits: 1538
Recently, during a Northwestern Association's convention, I. V. Mileyev was interviewed and marked the reasons why the youth is leaving our Slavic churches. The Interview was published on Facebook (click here to view) and generated 17,000 views, 290 reposts, 272 likes, and 79 comments.
- BRAT TV - Baptist Television
- Education Department News
- Leaders' Meeting of Various Ethnic Associations of America
- Church Ministers Conference - 2018
- PCSBA's July Newsletter
- New Decisions of the "House of Prayer" Church
- Teen Conference - 2018
- Baptism at "Choose Life" Church
- PCSBA's June 2018 Newsletter
- V.M.Tsvirinko May Report
- Convention of Tajikistan Immigrants
- Baptism at Bryte Church
- Ordination at Transfiguration Slavic Baptist Church
- May Newsletter
- PCSBA's April 2018 Newsletter
- The Mission Trip to Africa
- 90 Year Anniversary of Bryte Church
- Ministry in Moldova - April 2018
- Missionary Camp "Life of Jesus"
- Mission Training - 2018
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